You are whole and complete.

Let us together tap into this energy


Family Constellations

Family Constellations is diagnostic tool as well as healing modality for uncovering the roots of our suffering.

Online Meditations

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About Me

Anchal Anurag Jyoti is a trained facilitator and therapist in many spiritual healing modalities like Systemic Family Constellations, Hypnotherapy, Past Life Regression, Osho Zen Tarot and many more. She is trained under international trainers like Bert Hellinger, Sophie Hellinger for Family Constellations.

She believes that each human being is empowered to create miracles in their lives. All you need to do is just believe in the inner power. The journey to believing in your inner power is where you need to release the entanglements you’re carrying from your DNA, environmental factors or from your past lives. Anchal invites one and all on this journey of self-transformation to live a blessed life. She has worked with countless people from various nationalities which she feels has given her a different perspective towards life.


Gratitute Meditation

This meditation on GRATITUDE invokes the positive energy of the Universe which will help you in attracting more opportunities of being grateful in life.

Stopping Unwanted Thoughts

With this meditation, free yourself of the unwanted thoughts which are stopping you to live a fulfilling passionate life.

Self Forgiveness

We make mistakes in this journey of life, but do not find the courage to forgive ourselves. This meditation is here to help you forgiving yourself and re-gaining clarity of your life path.

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    Success Stories

    When I saw the results, I surrendered to her method totally

    Knowing about the soul, how does it work, what is karma – all of these was something I was fascinated about since my childhood. But I guess life had other plans for me. I did my MBA in marketing from a reputed institute and got in the competitive rate race. I achieved a lot but always felt incomplete from inside. The biggest setback came to me when I was given the pink slip for no reason. This is when I first met Anchal for a therapy. I explained her about my feeling of being incomplete. She did an Emotional Balance Therapy session, and the experience was just phenomenal. I could understand that I am feeling like a failure from within and I am not accepting success.The next session we did was Family Constellations. This session made me aware that I am carrying this pattern from my mother. We released it. I then got the opportunity to attend her workshop – Re-engineering Inner Consciousness. This was a huge shift for me. It made me aware of all the negative emotions I was carrying. Also, how I was closing myself to receiving from my own parents. I highly recommend Anchal for her therapies and the workshops are just phenomenal. She takes you to the deepest level of your issues, also resolving them.

    Anchal has the knack to push you to further enhance your limits. She will keep pushing you, until you don’t reset your axis of growth. Honestly, initially I was reluctant when was constantly pushing me, but when I saw the results, I surrendered to her method totally. Guys, if you feel you’re stuck, then she is the person you should get in touch with.

    Anchal, I really bless you to succeed and help many more like me! And this has been an absolute pleasure to write in for you.

    Vikas Bhatia

    Amazing Transformation in my life!

    It has been a long journey of transformation, full of positive changes since I met Anchal in 2009. Her sessions to handle my emotions during my divorce and post legal separation re settling with my son in a new city , collecting and understanding self-better . Professionally handling the tough people and calming myself down during various ups & downs of life alone, without any support system. Her sessions, therapies various FC’s(family constellations) to re discover self and be a better person are simply phenomenal. Over the period, I know myself better as a person and strongly recommend others to undergo FC’s(family constellations) and other therapies offered by Anchal to break the same patterns & cycles we face in our lives – be it emotional or our thoughts. With immense happiness and pride, I stay thankful to Anchal forever, for her brilliant work and support to me!

    Jasdeepti Singh